Hoy dia el 21 april 2008 se manifestieron algunas activistas en Berlin, Alemania, en frente de la embajada mexicana
Hoy dia el 21 april 2008 se manifestieron algunas activistas en Berlin,
Alemania, en frente de la embajada mexicana. Se expresaron su espanto
sobre las asesinators recientes en Oaxaca contra las locuturas en la San
Juan Copala, Oaxaca la pasada semana. La accion fue pequeno pero con
mucho espiritu. Activistas mostraron plancartas en frente de la
carretera, donde pasaron autovilistas sonando su pitos en solidaridad.
Las plancartas decian en espaniol y aleman Oaxaca Resiste, Stoppt die
Morde, y gritamos consignos en ambos idiomas asi como leimos un
Peoples Global Action inspired post yugo infotour march 2008
Peoples' Global Action inspired post Yugoslavian infotour 2008
a call to all antiauthoritarian , grassroots and anticapitalist collectives on ex yugoslavian region that are willing to host that project
purpose of the tour is announcing of coming PGA conference in Athens 20th to 27th of august 2008 and involving more people in the PGA network and in organisation of conference. Tour also wants to connect activist groups and autonomous individuals on former yugoslavia and balkan region email contact of the coordination collective of the tour malo_kucence at riseup.net
PGA 5th European conference International preparation Meeting in Thessaloniki 19th - 21st of October 2007
Peoples Global Action 5th European conference
International preparation Meeting in Thessaloniki
19th - 21st of October 2007
Help and ideas are needed to organize the next conference and to go on
with the pga dynamic.
We would like to anounce a preparation European meeting of the PGA process
in Thessaloniki the third weekend of October.
The aim of the meeting is to discuss the topics, location, time and
of the conference and continue building contacts within the PGA process.
We want to go on working on the constitution of the next convenor
Balkan PGA Infotour September - October 2007
The network peoples global action is a global project inspired by zapatista insurrection and the new forms of internationalism developed in the 90s. But what does PGA mean?
From the 23th until the 25th of February 1998, movements from all around the world met in Geneva-Switzerland to discuss the idea of a network of resistance against the global market and the WTO. PGA is a network based on decentralisation and autonomy, a network without representatives, members or juridical personality.