
Submitted by vlanto on Mon, 2007-02-05 21:11.

Documents about PGA


Plaisantation is an information booklet on PGA.

English text version PDF version (4.9 Mb)
PDF version (7.6 Mb)
French text version PDF version (2.6 Mb)

PGA Europe process

a text describing the situation into the PGA process in Europe after the conference in France and Greece

  • pdf and rtf version
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    Printed newsletter inspired by *PGA*

    newsletter#3 download the pdf version

    Global PGA

    Introduction to the PGA Process

    France'06 PGA Report

    France'06 Newspaper

    A newspaper with reports and articles about debates, projects, workshops from the various european PGA gatherings that happened in france in August 2006.

    Other useful documents


    Practical guide on consensus decision making and meeting facilitation.

    Legal and practical advice on how to react in a demonstration in front of police repression and detention.

    Visa obtention guide

    How to help people to get a visas to come to your country.

    Survival Cookbook

    Cookbook for 100 people or more ...

    Archive of the France'06 Conference

    Practical Guide

    Practical guide to the structures, organisation, and practices of the conference.

    Political Reader

    Compilation of the thematic calls and texts as food for thought for the conference.

    Paving Stone

    English translation of LePavé (paving-stone), summing up the organisation process of the conference, updated as work goes on, as meetings get done, as reports are merged into it and so on. It's available on the STAMP wiki.

    PGA Documents Alexandroupolis conference 2008

    the documents and the material updates after the last PGA conference available here


    the Practical Guide

    Practical guide , a facilition text from the PGA conference Greece08