
Submitted by vlanto on Wed, 2007-12-26 13:27.


The world is at war. After the worldwide changes during the last decades of the 20th century we are now facing efforts to restructure the whole world according to the needs of capitalist production. The wars in Iraq, the war in Yugoslavia and Afghanistan violently express this tendency in world politics. To continue this policy, the countries began to establish rapid reaction forces, so that they can intervene on any conflict everywhere with a minimum of time. Furthermore military bases are set up worldwide under the name of Nato to defend freedom and democracy.

On the other hand, police forces are trained and established to do the same on a innerstate level. For example riot controll and counter insurgency trainings are held by the different european state polices. And at the same time the cooperation of the different police forces of the European states is intensivied. Even a common European police force is established. Similar developments can be observed globally for example during the preperations for G8-summits when the different polices share their experiences with mass-protests.

But “security”-politics do not just reinforce military- and police –structures. They are also aiming to controll our everyday lifes. Video-observance of public spaces to “prevent crime”, wire tapping and the surveillance of the internet are just some examples for this tendency.

To put it in a nutshell, we are confronted with an overall policy to establish what is euphemistically called “security”. In plain words this means an authoritarian formation of the societies. Any disturbance of the ongoing process of exchanging goods shall be made impossible at its early beginning. Militarisation and repression are the terms that describe this tendency. Military interventions on the outside and massive repression on the inside are the two sides of the same coin.

Therefore we call for an issue on antimilitarisation and antirepression during the next PGA-Europe-Conference on 18th-25th of August. We invite any antimilitarist and antirepression collectives and groups to take part and to prepare workshops and discussions during the conference.



Proposal for workshops during the PGA-Conference

As the topic of antimilitarisation and antirepression opens a wide variety of topics we want to state shortly, on which we are specifically intersted in and which workshops we probably are going to prepare. We hope that many other collectives and groups will also propose workshops or discussion connected with this issue.

European Security-Architecture

European police forces are intensifying their cooperation in order to coordinate riot control and counter insurgency programms. We are planing to organize a workshop that informs about these processes.

Nato-Summit 2009 in France/Germany

In April 2009 the 60th annual Nato-Summit will take place in Strasbourg/Kehl. We are planing a workshop about the state of the mobilisation to this event. And we also want to meet with other collectives and groups to talk about and to coordinate the international mobilisation against this summit.

Days of Action Against Military Infrastructure 14th-15th November 2008

On the web circulates a call for days of action against military infrastructure (see We want to discuss about this call and about the possibility of a PGA-call to join these days of action.

open disscusion spaces about military Objectors

Militarism is the source of hegemonic domination, discrimination etc...We believe that to create a new world we need to destroy it and its all instruments in human relationship. It also supplies gender roles, immanent authority of all kind of relations and make obedience widespread.

We call all the various antimilitarist collectives from europe and beyond to participate to the next PGA conference in order to discuss the topic of objectors, antimilitarism and conscientious objection , to establish a bridge between the objectors, to create a network and to empower the solidarity of them."

Antimilitarists from Turkey